CREDPG Independent Prescribing (Credit Only) (Part Time) | Diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 6 months | University of East Anglia | United Kingdom

The UEA Independent prescribing course for pharmacists is specifically tailored for clinically experienced pharmacists to develop them into competent prescribers. The course is delivered by a multidisciplinary teaching team comprising of practicing clinical and prescribing pharmacists, doctors and nurses. The course uses multiple teaching methods to aid your learning including 12 days in clinical practice under the supervision of a designated medical practitioner, 13 study days and associated pre-study day activities. The course design allows the student to adapt the teaching sessions to their own requirements.

CREDPG Independent Prescribing (Credit Only) (Part Time) | Diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 6 months | University of East Anglia | United Kingdom

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