Chinese and Linguistics | Master's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom

The combination of Chinese and linguistics is designed to develop your interest, and complex knowledge and understanding of China, including its language, history, literature, culture and social issues, and also a knowledge and understanding of how language is acquired, produced, and understood. A knowledge of Chinese language and culture is increasingly important as China becomes a bigger global player, economically and politically. China currently has the largest population in the world and the world's second largest economy. A knowldege of linguistics will provide you with the knowledge of how language functions in interaction between individuals and in society; what its abstract structure is and how it is represented in the brain; and how language changes over time. You will gain the ability to identify and clearly describe the systematicity underlying complex surface-level systems.

Chinese and Linguistics | Master's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom

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