Innovation Design Management (M.A.) | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 2-4 semesters | University of Europe for Applied Sciences | Germany

In its recently published study from October 2018 called "The Business Value of Design", the global consulting firm McKinsey & Company demonstrated that companies who regard design and the employment of creativity as principal drivers in their value-generation outperform industry-benchmark growth by as much as two to one. Comprehensive disruption through digitisation, changing marketplaces, and consumer behaviour have created a new professional playing field between creative design, business strategy, and IT development. Innovation-centered companies increasingly look for managers who understand how to use design as a prominent driving factor behind business decisions and how to incorporate right-brain-thinking and an artistic attitude in business, as strategic assets in the generation of innovation and sustainable consumer-value, and in the transformation of a companies' organisation and vision. This new Master programme "Innovation Design Management" is positioned right at the intersection of design and business. It wants to shape individuals who accept these complex, fast-paced challenges and who take an integrated approach with strategies that combine the best of design, business, and Technology. This is, among others, accomplished through a range of intense project activities that will be held in close cooperation with leading industry professionals and actual enterprises who face these very challenges. Graduates will be employed in highly innovation- or design-driven companies as Chief Design Officers, Design Managers, Strategic Brand Managers, or Venture Architects.

Innovation Design Management (M.A.) | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 2-4 semesters | University of Europe for Applied Sciences | Germany

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