Materials Engineering with International Study | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | University of Exeter | United Kingdom

Materials Engineers are at the forefront of discovering the best material solutions for products. From designing the perfect combination of components for an aeroplane wing to developing materials for medical implants, they build the foundations of new technology and groundbreaking progress. Currently in high demand, graduates of Materials Engineering have a vast range of employment opportunities awaiting them. The employment market straddles many manufacturing sectors, such as construction, power generation and biomedical engineering. Here at Exeter, the emphasis of our programme is not just on understanding materials science but on putting this theory into practice by teaching you the hands-on practicalities of designing and manufacturing with the materials you study. Our main aim is to equip you with a thorough understanding of how materials behave and are best used in design and manufacture, as well as how this applies to the latest advancements in real world components and industry.

Materials Engineering with International Study | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | University of Exeter | United Kingdom

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