Advertising and Digital Marketing Communications | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | University of Greenwich | United Kingdom

We were the first UK university to offer a specialist degree in marketing communications. We continually develop our programmes to ensure they are up to date with industry developments and requirements and recently redesigned this programme in collaboration with employers and professional bodies to reflect the latest digital marketing trends The programme will prepare you for a career in the advertising industry by developing your skills in identifying trends and understanding consumer behaviour. You will learn how to analyse target audiences and implement integrated marketing communications campaigns. You will gain specialised knowledge in areas such as customer insight and data analytics, strategic brand management, and social Media analytics.You will have the opportunity to gain exemptions from Chartered Institute of Marketing, Market Research Society and Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing examinations, helping you obtain professional recognition early in your career. What careers could I pursue? This degree will prepare you for management positions within advertising and public relations agencies and various marketing roles. You may also pursue a career in sales promotion, direct marketing, Media, digital communications or other advertising fields. Recent graduates have secured roles at Google, Coca-Cola and ogilvyOne.

Advertising and Digital Marketing Communications | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | University of Greenwich | United Kingdom

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