Big Data and Business Intelligence (Taught) | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 1 year | University of Greenwich | United Kingdom

The programme provides students with the deeper knowledge, advanced skills and understanding that will allow them to contribute to the development and design of big data systems as well as distributed/internet-enabled decision support application software systems, using appropriate technologies, architectures and techniques (e.g. data analytics, business intelligence, NoSQL, data mining, data warehousing, distributed data management and technologies, Hadoop, etc.). Additionally, the programme enables students to understand and assess the security and legal implications of e-commerce applications and provides students with appropriate knowledge of business and commerce relevant to transacting business on the internet. The courses take a software engineering approach to the construction of applications and focus on modern software engineering methods, tools and techniques that enable an integrated life-cycle software development view.

Big Data and Business Intelligence (Taught) | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 1 year | University of Greenwich | United Kingdom

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