BSc Astronomy | Bachelor's degree | Science | On Campus | 3 years | University of Groningen | Netherlands

How old is the Universe? How do galaxies develop? What is found between the stars? How are planetary systems formed? Are you fascinated by questions like these? Then Astronomy is right for you! If you are interested in natural sciences, this international programme will appeal to you. You will study the physical processes in the universe, which means that physics and mathematics are an important part of the programme. Our three-year programme ranks as a top-degree in the Netherlands and has a regular intake of 50-60 students, ensuring many contact hours and availability of excellent facilities. You still have the opportunity to switch to (Applied) Mathematics in the first semester and you can still switch to (Applied) Physics in the first year. This means you can never go wrong! Spectacular discoveries have recently been made in the field of astronomy, mainly because technological advances make new things possible. In Groningen you can concentrate on the universe itself, or on developing and improving instruments. Our broad programme even offers a specialization in instrumentation and informatics in the minor phase as an alternative to the general Astronomy minor. The Groningen astronomers are among the best in the world. Research has been carried out at the University since 1883. Groningen astronomers collaborated in the development of the HIFI instrument in the Herschel space telescope, and are involved in the international LOFAR network of radio telescopes.

BSc Astronomy | Bachelor's degree | Science | On Campus | 3 years | University of Groningen | Netherlands

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