BSc Chemical Engineering | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 3 years | University of Groningen | Netherlands

How can you produce plastics on a large scale? How can you ensure clean, safe and efficient factories? Can you generate electricity with the human body? Chemical engineers work on the production of chemicals at industrial scale. The Bachelor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Groningen will prepare you towards this profession. You will learn to deal with chemical processes on a large scale, to develop new chemical products and to design improved catalysts for the targeted reactions. At the same time you will learn to evaluate and improve the safety and sustainability of chemical processes. Along the way you will be also stimulated to develop your critical thinking skills and your problem-solving attitude. The fascinating thing about Chemical Engineering is that you will be involved in the development of new products but you will also think about the production process and about the catalyst that is needed to promote the reaction. A Chemical Engineer is concerned with the entire development of a new product or processes, from A to Z. This means you will learn much more than just how chemical reactions work. Chemical Engineers at the University of Groningen, for example, have developed a new process for the production of biodiesels as well as new polymeric products for the oil industry and for high- tech applications.

BSc Chemical Engineering | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 3 years | University of Groningen | Netherlands

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