BSc Spatial Planning and Design | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of Groningen | Netherlands

What effect will climate change have on our future cities and rural areas? How can you develop sustainable strategies and designs for new and existing urban systems? How do you deal with a complex built environment and related planning processes? Planners are asked to translate these kind of spatial transformations into new opportunities to enhance quality of life. The Bachelor's degree programme in Spatial Planning and Design (in Dutch: Technische planologie) revolves around physical and institutional design. The course units are related to spatial planning and design, water management, infrastructure and environmental planning, spatial computer programs, complex decision-making and academic research. You will work in virtual realities, but also go on excursions to see spatial projects in real life. There will be an opportunity to develop your personal interests via elective course units. You complete your Bachelor's degree with a research project. Excellent students can take part in a more in-depth programme at the Honours College, which has a wider range of topics.

BSc Spatial Planning and Design | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of Groningen | Netherlands

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