Finance (Financial Markets) - MSc | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 1 year | University of Kent | United Kingdom

Gain a comprehensive framework of knowledge, insight and vision regarding the key issues in finance, and the financial function of organizations and operations. The MSc in Finance (Financial Markets) pathway develops your cognitive, critical, intellectual and research skills, plus relevant personal and interpersonal skills to interact in the real world of business and organizations. In today’s competitive global environment, employers are increasingly selective in their search for competent business and finance professionals. Our Master’s in Finance programs equip you with a solid background in financial principles and practices and help to cultivate your practical finance skills and real-world business knowledge. The program is accredited by GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals), which represents the best in financial education around the world. Kent Business School works closely with GARP to ensure that our risk management course offering meets the latest global industry needs.

Finance (Financial Markets) - MSc | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 1 year | University of Kent | United Kingdom

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