Social Policy - BA (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 yrs full-time (4 with a year abroad); 6 yrs part-time (7 with a year abroad) | University of Kent | United Kingdom

The School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research is one of the best in the country for teaching and research. Our academics are internationally recognized for their expertise in social policy. The varied expertise in the School means we are able to offer optional modules that include explorations of childhood, family, environmentalism, gender, political change, crime, race, violence and work, among others. This means that you can choose to study areas of particular interest to you or that relate directly to your career choice. Throughout your degree, our academics challenge you to develop your own opinions and ideas, and encourage you to become an independent thinker. We offer high levels of support and our staff are friendly and accessible.

Social Policy - BA (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 yrs full-time (4 with a year abroad); 6 yrs part-time (7 with a year abroad) | University of Kent | United Kingdom

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