Arabic and International Relations | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom

From the Arabic language to International Relations theory and Middle Eastern politics, this varied degree allows you to become fluent in a major world language while gaining an in-depth insight into the ways that countries interact with each other. Core modules will build your knowledge of Arabic from beginners' level, while introducing you to the key concepts and theories of International Relations. You'll also spend a year in an Arabic-speaking country to improve your language skills and immerse yourself in the local culture. Optional modules in both subjects will allow you to shape your degree to suit you, with topics including Comparative Politics, development, US foreign policy, terrorism and security studies, the culture and society of the Arab world, Middle East History and politics or skills like Arabic-English translating or interpreting.

Arabic and International Relations | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom

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