Italian A | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom
Rich in cultural heritage, Italy is a leading world economy. This degree allows you to become fluent in Italian and acquire an in-depth knowledge of the History and culture of this vibrant country. If you have an A-level in Italian, core modules will enable you to improve your language skills while introducing you to Italian History, culture and society. You'll then be able to tailor your degree to suit you, selecting from optional modules covering a variety of topics from Renaissance art and Dante to contemporary literature, linguistic varieties, cinema, material culture and Italian for business. You'll also spend a year in Italy to experience Italian culture first-hand. Our expert tutors cover a wide range of research interests, all of which inform their teaching. As a result we can offer flexible degrees that give you scope to pursue your interests - and we have excellent facilities to help you make the most of your time at Leeds.