Italian A and Sociology | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom

If you have A level Italian or equivalent, Italian A will allow you to become fluent in a major European language while exploring Italy's fascinating History and rich culture. Core modules will develop your language skills and introduce you to Italian cinema, art, literature or History. But you'll also choose from an array of optional modules that reflect our diverse research interests, from Dante and Renaissance art to the writings of Italo Calvino, or specialised uses of Italian in business. Sociology allows you to study the ways in which societies and institutions are structured and organised, as well as the effects they have on human behaviour. Core modules introduce you to key theories and approaches in Sociology and how they apply to today's society. You then develop this knowledge in optional modules allowing you to explore important and often controversial issues such as drug policy, crime, the sex trade, family dynamics, disability rights and protest movements.

Italian A and Sociology | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom

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