Italian B and Linguistics | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom

If you have little or no knowledge of Italian, this degree will allow you to learn the language from scratch and develop an understanding of the History, politics and rich culture of a major European economy. Core modules will develop your language skills and introduce you to Italian History and culture, but you'll also choose from a wide range of optional modules to explore topics from medieval and Renaissance art and literature to cinema and specialised uses of Italian in business.Linguistics explores how language works: how it is structured, interpreted and used. This degree will allow you to develop an understanding of human communication using approaches from the arts and sciences that will equip you with a variety of skills. Core and optional modules will allow you to explore topics such as language acquisition, syntax, language change and death as well as phonetics - the study of how speech sounds are physically produced.

Italian B and Linguistics | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom

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