Italian B and Spanish | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom

Spanish is spoken in 23 countries by over 300 million people. Italian is an official language of the EU spoken in one of its major economies. This degree will allow you to become fluent in both languages while gaining an appreciation of their vibrant cultural, political and historical contexts. With an A-level in Spanish, you'll learn Italian from scratch and explore the politics, Geography, literature, History, cinema and social issues of the Italian and Spanish-speaking worlds. You'll take core modules in both languages, and you'll spend a year in Italy as well as a term in Spain to develop your skills. But because our School of Languages, Cultures and Societies is so large and diverse, we can offer an impressive variety of optional modules allowing you to pursue your interests. You could try another completely new language or study translation, the Spanish Civil War, the Italian Renaissance, Latin American cinema or minority languages in Italy.

Italian B and Spanish | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | University of Leeds | United Kingdom

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