Degree in Economics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | University of León | Spain

Degree in Economics gives graduates from the course considerable flexibility, allowing them to undertake a great variety of jobs in various financial and business contexts: middle and higher ranking posts of responsibility in financial and insurance companies, SMEs, and multinational businesses; business consultancy and advisory work; posts as financial, stock exchange or commercial analysts; work in the research services of public and private bodies; skilled employment in the various fields of Public Administration and the management of International Institutions and Organizations; teaching at university or secondary level. As part of the degree course, various activities are carried out in collaboration with companies and institutions, such as conferences, seminars, short courses, workshops and exhibitions, etc. These enable students to obtain a more direct experience of professional reality.

Degree in Economics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | University of León | Spain

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