European Master's Degree in Business Studies (EMBS) Jointly Taught With Universities Outside Spain | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | University of León | Spain

The European Master in Business Studies is a Master's degree in Management officially integrated in the new European Bologna system of higher education. It is composed of four semesters in four different European countries representing a total of 120 ECTS. The European Master in Business Studies is a post-graduate course which has been developed in order to offer European as well as non-European students a unique opportunity to learn how to do efficient business in Europe. Apart from studying fundamentals of management and sales & marketing on a European scale, students will learn "on site" the multicultural differences by studying in the four countries of the consortium and by working in groups of different nationalities. The courses are taught in English. Qualified faculty and managers from European companies are involved in the teaching of courses, seminars, and workshops. Students will also be given the opportunity of learning the language of the country where they spend their semester abroad.

European Master's Degree in Business Studies (EMBS) Jointly Taught With Universities Outside Spain | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | University of León | Spain

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