Master's Degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data in Secure Environment | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | Online/Distance | 1 year | University of León | Spain

The Master's Degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data in Secure Environment trains professionals in the analysis and processing of large amounts of heterogeneous data (Big Data), with the aim of extracting information that supports, facilitates and optimizes decision making in the business and/or social world, ensuring security both in storage and in data transmission. Our students learn to: Analyze and design business solutions in Big Data (storage and processing of large volumes of heterogeneous information). Design and implement knowledge discovery systems in large distributed databases. Plan and build systems that allow a secure data management. Design and implement systems capable of extracting practical knowledge of large volumes of data applied to the world of the company (Business Intelligence/Business Intelligence). From professionals and experts in the world of Big Data, business intelligence and cybersecurity. Analyze and design business solutions in Big Data. Analyze and design business solutions in Big Data. Analyze and design business solutions in Big Data.

Master's Degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data in Secure Environment | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | Online/Distance | 1 year | University of León | Spain

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