Master's Degree in Educational Counselling | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | University of León | Spain

The Master's Degree in Educational Counselling offers a specialized training aimed at performing educational and psycho-pedagogical orientation in educational institutions and centres. Future professionals will be able to learn and analyse characteristics, organization and working of educational orientation and psycho-pedagogical counselling that operate at different levels of the education system; identify barriers and enablers of an inclusive education both at the scholar centre and the rest of context that influence the development and education of the students, with the objectives of designing and starting measures of attention to diversity that ensures the presence, participation and learning of all the students; perform psycho-pedagogical evaluations and develop diagnostic reports for the students with special needs; advice and collaborate with teachers and management team to support the students in their processes of development, learning and decision making, both personal, academic and professional; advice in quality evaluation processes and improvement plans for learning centres.

Master's Degree in Educational Counselling | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | University of León | Spain

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