Master's Degree in Healthy Ageing and Quality of Life (interuniversity) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | Online/Distance | 1 year | University of León | Spain

The Master's Degree in Healthy Ageing and Quality of Life is organized by several universities. It is aimed at students who wish to receive advanced specialist training in the nursing of elderly people. This course is of relevance to everybody who wishes to age actively and hopes to make ageing a positive experience and to achieve a life with a potential for continuing good health, participation in activities and safety, increasing the expectancy of healthy life, and optimising social and health provisions so as to improve the quality of life as people age. It is suited to candidates who wish to start research in the field of Social and Health Sciences in relation to the elderly. This course is offered in two formats: with attendance or entirely by on-line distance learning.

Master's Degree in Healthy Ageing and Quality of Life (interuniversity) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | Online/Distance | 1 year | University of León | Spain

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