Master's Degree in Latin American Anthropology (Interuniversitary) (partly by distance learning) | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | Online/Distance | 1 year | University of León | Spain

The Master's Degree in Latin American Anthropology trains innovative and competent specialists for anthropological and critical analysis in the field of ethnological and ethnographic studies from its beginnings to the most contemporary trends. Directed especially to Spanish or foreign graduates in Anthropology, Sociology, History and other social-humanistic disciplines. Our students learn to: Investigate and analyze anthropological works in the universal context. Acquire an analytical, free and open profile towards the diversity of thought systems and anthropological tendencies. To deepen the anthropological study of the relationship between the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America in topics such as indigenous population, emigration, education, international relations, tourism, cultural heritage and cooperation.

Master's Degree in Latin American Anthropology (Interuniversitary) (partly by distance learning) | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | Online/Distance | 1 year | University of León | Spain

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