Master's Degree in Lingüistics and Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language | Master's degree | Languages | On Campus | 1.5 years | University of León | Spain

The Master's Degree in Lingüistics and Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language is intended for students who wish to receive advanced specialist training in Linguistics and apply this to the field of teaching Spanish as a foreign language and any regulated profession requiring a qualification in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. The program will allow you to work in an expanding job market, as the Spanish teachers demand is increasing in the 5 continents. This Master’s gives access to job opportunities such as: Teaching positions at Cervantes Institutes around the world, Teaching positions in the Spanish for Foreigners sections of Official Language Schools in Spain, Teaching positions in Spanish Departments of universities or in primary and secondary schools that offer courses in Spanish as a foreign language, Service contracts in companies and educational centres...

Master's Degree in Lingüistics and Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language | Master's degree | Languages | On Campus | 1.5 years | University of León | Spain

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