Master's Degree in Research in Cybersecurity | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | Online/Distance | 2 years | University of León | Spain

The Master of Research in Cybersecurity from Universidad de León is a two years program (120 ECTS) in cybersecurity research: The first course allows students to obtain knowledge in the most relevant cybersecurity research fields: systems cybersecurity (operating system and network), software security, cyber-physical systems security (including industrial security), human aspects and legal implications of cybersecurity, mathematics for cybersecurity, and security auditing and forensics. All modules are mandatory, allowing students to know where they would like to start their future research. The second course is split in two semesters; during the first one students choose elective subjects of their preference to expand their knowledge in their field of choice: systems, software, industrial, human & legal, mathematics, auditing and forensics, or even practical experience, a six month paid work experience in a cybersecurity related company; the second semester is devoted to work on their master thesis.

Master's Degree in Research in Cybersecurity | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | Online/Distance | 2 years | University of León | Spain

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