University Specific Degree in Mental Health - Social Clinic - on line | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | Online/Distance | 12 months | University of León | Spain

The master's degree provides a high-level university education of professional specialization. The program of studies is interdisciplinary, systematic and gradual; introduces the cultural, scientific and clinical knowledge needed to address some of the main individual and social conflicts that affect Mental Health in the contemporary world. The interdisciplinary nature of the master's degree is based on three formative axes: It carries out a systematic and methodical review of the major sections of the clinic and treatment. Introduces science and related knowledge to the clinic that enable research and interdisciplinary study in the interface Mental Health-Social Sciences. It analyzes the main characteristics of some of the social discomforts of our time and provides the mental health specialist with perspectives and practical instruments of clinical intervention.

University Specific Degree in Mental Health - Social Clinic - on line | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | Online/Distance | 12 months | University of León | Spain

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