Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Economics | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | University of New South Wales, Sydney | Australia

Stand out in business and finance by combining essential quantitative and modelling skills from Actuarial Studies with Economics. Actuaries play a vital role in strategic planning and financial management in the financial services, insurance and superannuation industries. This degree provides a solid foundation to enter the actuarial profession through studies in mathematics, statistics, accounting, economics, finance, demographics, analytics and modelling.Economics subjects will equip you with analytical and statistical skills you can apply to any business or finance role. Core studies in economic theory and econometric methods - combined with a specialisation in econometrics, economics or financial economics - will give you a solid grounding in modern economics analysis.You may also choose to take on a third major from subjects such as accounting, business law, finance, management, marketing, real estate studies or taxation.

Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Economics | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | University of New South Wales, Sydney | Australia

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