Graduate Certificate in Infectious Diseases Intelligence | Graduate diploma / certificate | Science | On Campus | 0.7 years | University of New South Wales, Sydney | Australia

Population growth, urbanisation, increased travel and migration, and changing ecosystems are just some of the factors contributing to changes in infectious disease Epidemiology. There is an urgent need to develop the capacity of the health workforce's knowledge of the theory and principles of control of infectious diseases in this evolving scenario.The Graduate Certificate in Infectious Diseases Intelligence develops your skills in effective prevention or control of infectious diseases. You get exposed to a range of courses including Infectious Disease Intelligence and Bioterrorism and Health Intelligence. This Graduate Diploma, offered entirely online, articulates with the Masters of Infectious Disease Intelligence, Master of Public Health in Infectious Diseases Epidemiology specialisation as well as the Master of International Health

Graduate Certificate in Infectious Diseases Intelligence | Graduate diploma / certificate | Science | On Campus | 0.7 years | University of New South Wales, Sydney | Australia

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