Master of International Public Health/Master of Infectious Disease Intelligence | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1.7 years | University of New South Wales, Sydney | Australia

The Master of International Public Health and Master of Infectious Disease Intelligence double degree is an innovative approach to postgraduate health education. It enables you to better understand infectious diseases in the era of new and emerging disease threats as well as management approaches for the identification, assessment, prevention and control of infectious diseases.This combination fosters a sophisticated understanding across a complex body of multidisciplinary knowledge including infectious diseases intelligence, policy design, implementation and evaluation. You will be equipped with the specialised skills and concepts needed for professional practice in the prevention, identification, assessment and control of infectious diseases. You will become a judgement-ready practitioner who can contribute to improving population health and work across a range of contexts including government, non-government and voluntary organisations, military and first-responder organisations, primary care and community health care services.

Master of International Public Health/Master of Infectious Disease Intelligence | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1.7 years | University of New South Wales, Sydney | Australia

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