Archaeology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Birkbeck, University of London | United Kingdom

Do you have a genuine interest in the material culture of the past? On this course you will study from a broad chronological and Geographical perspective, with topics ranging from prehistoric Britain to Greek sculpture, and the Roman Middle East to medieval Italy. You will learn the essential analytical techniques of Archaeology to develop your understanding of the relationship between theory and practice in the interpretation of material remains. Practical Archaeological experience is a key element of the degree, and includes learning through the resources of archives, collections and practice in the field. This course is ideal if you have a keen interest in understanding the past through people’s relationships with things and places. We will encourage you to access written, graphic and material evidence (including skills in dealing with data), and to question accepted histories, so that you will develop the ability to construct and present convincing Archaeological arguments through text and image.

Archaeology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Birkbeck, University of London | United Kingdom

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