Midwifery (Taught) | Graduate diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1 year | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom

The course aims to enable midwives to develop, deliver and direct high-quality midwifery services within the context of the national and international drive towards improving maternity/health outcomes for the childbearing woman and her family. The midwife studies in depth the art and science of midwifery and the ethical, political, legal, economic, multi-professional and global context in which contemporary midwifery is practised. The course aims to equip midwives with the knowledge and skills required to operate at senior and strategic levels in today's midwifery and health care services. To achieve this, the Division of Midwifery offers a learning environment that facilitates the development of reflective, analytical and critical thinking and the ability to lead and manage change.

Midwifery (Taught) | Graduate diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1 year | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom

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