Chemical Engineering | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | University of Oxford | United Kingdom
The Department of Engineering Science at Oxford has a top-level quality assessment rating for teaching, and a world-class reputation for research. Because we believe that future engineering innovation will benefit from broad foundations as well as specialised knowledge, teaching is based on a unified course in Engineering Science, which integrates study of the subject across the traditional boundaries of engineering disciplines. Links between topics in apparently diverse fields of engineering provide well-structured fundamental understanding, and can be exploited to give efficient teaching.
The Engineering Science programme is a four-year course, leading to the degree of Master of Engineering. The first two years are devoted to topics which we believe all Engineering undergraduates should study. In the third and fourth years there is scope for specialisation into one of six branches of engineering: Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Information and Mechanical. Decisions about which of these will be your specialisation can be deferred until the third year. In the fourth year there may be opportunities to study abroad.
The course is accredited every four years by the major engineering institutions in respect of the initial requirements for the designation of chartered engineer.