Finance and Investment | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Birmingham City University | United Kingdom

Gain lifelong skills for a successful career in the finance and investment world with our Integrated Master of Finance (MFin) degree in Finance and Investment. Work towards a career in the finance and investment industry the second you walk through the door with our MFin Finance and Investment programme. This course allows you to gain both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, focused on the practical application of finance in the investment world. On all of our programmes you will gain a professional focus and real world experience of finance, ensuring you are equipped to make an immediate impact in the business world. You have the opportunity to embark on a year-long sandwich placement as part of your degree course. We arrange guest lectures from industry leading speakers, so you can get an insight into the actual workings of global financial systems. Recognising the global scope of business, all our programmes have an international focus. This is embedded throughout the curriculum, giving you the opportunity to transform your experience with us into a global one. There are a variety of exciting possibilities open to you, ranging from our successful international travel scholarships scheme, through which you can spend a summer working for a charitable organisation overseas, to one of our many overseas study exchange programmes. You’ll have the opportunity to work in our ‘CITY Trading Room’ using the same investment analysis software as traders, financial analysts and decision makers in the investment industry. For full details, please see our website.

Finance and Investment | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Birmingham City University | United Kingdom

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