Fine Art | Diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | Birmingham City University | United Kingdom

This course prepares you for a career in fine art, as well as offering direct entry to the second year of a related full degree course after you’ve successfully finished it. Delivered at our highly respected partner institution, Birmingham Metropolitan College, you’ll also be able to take advantage of all the benefits of being a student of Birmingham City University. Across both years of this HND course in Fine Art, you will develop your creative skills and be fully prepared for further study or employment. Our Business and Professional Practice modules give you a genuine feel for the reality of working as an artist, and will equip you for the challenges of a professional and successful career. Our full degree graduates include award-winning professional artists, art therapists, curators, teachers and professionals within Birmingham's thriving creative industries sector.

Fine Art | Diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | Birmingham City University | United Kingdom

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