European Health Law and Biotechnology (EHL&BT) | Summer / Short course | Science | On Campus | 5 days | University of Pisa | Italy

Technological innovation in healthcare needs to conform to a complex normative matrix: advanced therapies, innovative medical devices and applications, tissues 'banking' services developed across the EU must respect national and international constitutional documents, abide by legal rules and technical standards, conform to best clinical practices and RRI directives, respond to societal needs and expectations. In both legal and scientific education, it is essential to convey the importance of a cross-disciplinary approach and introduce the students to the most relevant issues and competences in this field. This course - designed as an experiment in cross fertilization among students and teachers from different disciplines - is aimed at providing these competences and skills. Students will be distributed in small cross-disciplinary teams. Each team will be assigned a case study, based on problems faced by researchers and professionals the development of biotechological applications. Team members shall identify and discuss the scientific, technical, legal and ethical features of design specifications, with the assistance of PhD or Post-docs researchers acting as tutors, and the team will be required to come up with a solution as much as possible built in the application. The final examination will consist of the presentation of the project.

European Health Law and Biotechnology (EHL&BT) | Summer / Short course | Science | On Campus | 5 days | University of Pisa | Italy

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