Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems Engineering | Summer / Short course | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 5 days | University of Pisa | Italy

The Summer School is dedicated to PhD students who perform their research activities in the field of fluid machinery and energy systems engineering, including turbomachinery, internal combustion engines, energy conversion systems, power plants, renewable energy systems and innovative energy systems. The summer school will be organized with seminars of experts and sessions with information and experience discussion among student and professors. The school will be held during five days. National and international speakers will be invited to present their experience and their research activities. Speakers will be invited from academia, industry and research centers. This Summer School is aimed at giving a wide vision of the research activities in the field of energy engineering in order to broaden the competence of PhD students towards more interdisciplinary subjects and topics.

Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems Engineering | Summer / Short course | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 5 days | University of Pisa | Italy

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