Summer Student at Fermilab and other US Laboratories | Summer / Short course | Science | On Campus | 9 weeks | University of Pisa | Italy

Physics students will be trained in the research groups working on the new fermilab initiatives, the mu2e, muon (g-2), nova experiments, as well as future neutrino physics experiments, or in the fermilab group which collaborates with the cms experiment at cern, or in the theory group. for some students the internship may take place in other us laboratories or students will be trained in the Fermilab accelerator division, technical division or computing division or in goups working on applied research in other us laboratories or universities.each intern will be supervised by one mentor, an employee of the us laboratory. the mentor is responsible of the entire training program of the intern for the 9 weeks of permanence on the us soil. Each intern will present a written report which will be object of evaluation by a University of Pisa committee. The school provides a 9-week hands-on training in a International particle physics laboratory. Should the restrictions on student mobility and on-site teaching activities persist, the program will be activated or in a short form at the INFN National Labs in Frascati or in a short form entirely online, via Microsoft Teams.

Summer Student at Fermilab and other US Laboratories | Summer / Short course | Science | On Campus | 9 weeks | University of Pisa | Italy

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