Construction (Building Surveying) (with Foundation Entry) | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Blackburn College | United Kingdom

Our BSc (Hons) Construction (Building Surveying) with Foundation Entry degree course is designed for students who want to study Construction, but don’t have the necessary formal qualifications to start the Honours degree programme just yet. The Honours degree is for students who wish to study construction but with the emphasis on Building Surveying. Building surveyors are key professionals in the construction and property industries, being involved in the development, management, conservation, refurbishment and rehabilitation of all types of buildings. The course will provide you with key skills in construction Technology, property management and the law of landlord and tenant, preparing you for work within many areas of the extensive property field.

Construction (Building Surveying) (with Foundation Entry) | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Blackburn College | United Kingdom

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