Real Estate | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | University of Reading | United Kingdom

Right from the start of this degree, you will be involved in real-world projects. You will develop an understanding of the property sector as a whole and the skills to move into your preferred part of the industry. This programme is divided into foundation studies in the first two years and specialist studies in the final year. You will build a strong understanding of the core subject areas of economics, finance, business management, planning, law and construction, which you can then apply to complex problems in the real world. In year three, you will develop a deeper understanding in a specialist area, such as development, investment or valuation. You will also be able to tailor your degree by choosing from a wide range of elective modules such as housing or rural options.

Real Estate | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | University of Reading | United Kingdom

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