Chemical Engineering with Energy | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom

You'll learn about the design of processes and products that produce, transform or transport materials and energy. We'll develop your technical, research and problem-solving skills to give you the best start for a career in the sector of your choice. Our graduates work across all fields of chemical engineering, including biological and pharmaceutical engineering and are well-equipped for a future in digital manufacturing. We place significant emphasis on learning through practical experience. You'll develop practical skills and build up experience through lab work, projects and open-ended problem-solving. Our pilot plant gives you the chance to apply what you learn in lectures and labs on larger scale process equipment through hands-on experimentation. This unique facility is designed to prepare you for the challenges of industry. In your third year, you'll take part in a process design project, which will give you the design skills you need to succeed as a chemical engineer. In your fourth year, you'll carry out an independent research project under the supervision of one of our academic staff, and specialise in an area that interests you.

Chemical Engineering with Energy | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom

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