Dance | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of South Wales | United Kingdom

Our innovative Dance degree prepares students for a professional career in contemporary dance. Working with experienced dance artists, you’ll explore a range of dance techniques, including contemporary, release, contemporary ballet and contact improvisation, as well as different choreographic approaches such as contemporary, dance theatre, screen dance, site-specific, and structuralism. We have partnerships with regional dance companies and theatres to boost your employability, along with a strong focus on work-based learning through an undergraduate performance company. Through this, you’ll learn how professional dance companies are managed, funded, create work, and tour. Studying dance in Cardiff, you’ll be a part of our inspiring creative community and have the chance to collaborate with other creative industries students such as actors, writers and musicians. There are also brand-new facilities for dance students at USW Cardiff, including two amazing dance studios.

Dance | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of South Wales | United Kingdom

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