International Management (Taught) | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 16 months | Bournemouth University | United Kingdom

Be it people, strategy, networks or markets, they all require expert management. But the difference between strong and poor management can mean the difference between success and failure for an organisation. That's a lot of pressure on any manager's shoulders. Empowering yourself with the business skills and acumen will help you become a dynamic leader. Business is a broad and fascinating subject with many different areas to specialise in. Those new to and practicing in management will need a strong grasp of all areas of an organisation and how these networked departments work Together in order to become a much demanded 'chameleon' of business. The International Business Management framework is a combination of truly contemporary, specialist units, and our internationally rich culture provides a global perspective on management in practice across the globe.

International Management (Taught) | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 16 months | Bournemouth University | United Kingdom

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