BA (Hons) Event Management | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | Three years full-time, Four and a half to nine years part-time. | University of Suffolk | United Kingdom

Are you considering a career in event and marketing management? Our degree equips you with a spectrum of skills required to get your career off to a flying start. Plus, we take an innovative approach, exploring the latest practices in the field. A career in this challenging, yet dynamic profession demands that you are ‘career ready’ when you graduate. As experienced professionals, your tutors provide you with the right support to help you identify your goals and develop a fantastic CV. To bolster your development, our small classes sizes give you access to high levels of tutor attention throughout your degree.

BA (Hons) Event Management | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | Three years full-time, Four and a half to nine years part-time. | University of Suffolk | United Kingdom

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