BA (Hons) Graphic Design (Graphic Illustration) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | Three years full-time, Four and a half to nine years part-time | University of Suffolk | United Kingdom

Our Graphic Design and Graphic Illustration courses offer you control over your creative direction and career ambitions. Because we teach both degrees together, you are not tied to one study route; for instance, if you develop a passion for illustration you can transfer to Graphic Illustration to study that pathway in much more depth. Within both courses, project briefs help you develop the creative and technical skills you need for industry, while also being open enough to allow you the freedom to steer your work to suit your interests. This way, you get the most out of your time with us – tailoring your degree, exploring your career options and developing a personal approach to your creative process. Employability is at the heart of our Graphic Design course. Alongside developing a broad range of practical skills, you learn how to be a creative and critical thinker, developing transferable skills along the way.

BA (Hons) Graphic Design (Graphic Illustration) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | Three years full-time, Four and a half to nine years part-time | University of Suffolk | United Kingdom

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