BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | Three years full-time, Four and a half to nine years part-time | University of Suffolk | United Kingdom
It is estimated that we currently produce over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every single day. This data includes over 94 million photos and videos shared on Instagram, over 306 billion emails and over 5 million Tweets. In the last two years alone, an astonishing 90% of the world’s data has been created. Our BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence degree has been designed to provide you with everything you need to be able to find meaning in this data as a successful data scientist.
In the first year of the degree, you will gain a solid foundation in data science, artificial intelligence, programming, networks and computer systems. In the second year, you will have the opportunity to create a substantial software product that incorporates software design, implementation and testing. You will also undertake the degrees core research skills module in preparation for your final year project and dissertation. During the final year of your degree, you will complete your final project and dissertation. For this, you will be assigned a supervisor who is familiar with your chosen topic. You will also study advanced modules in data science, artificial intelligence, cyber security and distributed systems preparing you for a career as a data scientist.
Throughout the degree, you are also encouraged to attend an extensive range of seminars and events provided by guest lecturers with backgrounds in technology, business and academia. These same experts often provide real-world briefs for module assessments allowing you to undertake a project specified by industry to meet an organisation’s real needs.