Musical Theatre MA | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 year | University of Surrey | United Kingdom

This intensive course is specifically designed to equip participants in the ‘triple-threat’ musical theatre disciplines of acting, singing and dancing. On this course we place a very strong emphasis on the practical acquisition of technical skills (taught within technical skills classes) together with a dedicated focus on professional development. We provide you with opportunities to combine these skills into musical theatre rehearsal projects and public performances. In addition, you will attend seminars in contextual and theoretical studies, alongside masterclasses led by industry professionals in audition technique and repertoire. The skills you learn will be integrated through project work which includes: studies of classic legit and contemporary musical theatre texts, a public production led by a production team of theatre professionals, a presentation of your work to a panel of industry professionals, and an industry showcase.

Musical Theatre MA | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 year | University of Surrey | United Kingdom

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