Master of Pharmacy (International) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University of Technology Sydney | Australia

The Master of Pharmacy (International) is an accredited three-year graduate-entry degree leading to eligibility for registration as a pharmacist. The course is an Australian first, extending the Master of Pharmacy program to include a one-year overseas clinical placement. This allows students to expand their knowledge even further, gaining practice-based experience of pharmacy in a global context and an understanding of the international factors that influence pharmacy practice and healthcare provision. Overseas clinical placements include those in Asia, Canada, Europe, South America or the USA. Language and culture subjects cater to both beginners and students with prior language knowledge. The course isinnovative and practice-basedin approach, building on students' strong scientific foundation to provide specialist, comprehensive knowledge relevant to contemporary pharmacy practice. In addition to the pharmaceutical sciences, this includes professional pharmacy services, integrated therapeutics and the unique capstone subject, 96014 Molecule to Market, led by industry leader Adjunct Professor John Montgomery. Two elective subjects provide students with the opportunity to individualise their studies with their choice of any available postgraduate subject offered at UTS.

Master of Pharmacy (International) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University of Technology Sydney | Australia

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