Doctoral Programme in Fine Arts | Doctorate / PhD | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 years | University of the Arts Helsinki | Finland

The Academy of Fine Arts offers doctoral education that emphasises high-quality artistic work and related research in the field of fine arts. Doctoral studies provide students with the abilities and the opportunity to conduct independent and creative artistic research. Artistic research is a field of multidisciplinary research that focuses on the artist and art. Graduates of our Program are artist-researchers who develop and renew arts, as well as the making, research and teaching of arts. They engage in a diverse and critical dialogue with the different actors in society. As experts in their field, they create art and produce information, knowledge, and insights based on art-related practices that can be applied in the arts and also in other sectors of society. Our doctoral Program develops the artist-researchers’ ability to apply their skills as artists, researchers, teachers, and experts.

Doctoral Programme in Fine Arts | Doctorate / PhD | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 years | University of the Arts Helsinki | Finland

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