Master's Programme in Choreography | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | University of the Arts Helsinki | Finland

The Master’s Degree programs in Choreography allows you to develop into an artist with a personal voice while interacting with the society and its changing views of art. The choreography Program leading to a Master of Arts (Dance) consists of two years of full-time studies. The studies (120 cr) consist of thematic studies on choreography and personal artistic projects, contextual studies, optional studies and an MA thesis. The focus is on the central questions and methods in contemporary choreography, the history and theoretical basis of choreography and contemporary performance, as well as on the work opportunities and the work environment of an artist. Artistic projects and collaborations with students from other degree programs both in Finland and abroad also play an important role. The Program emphasises a historically conscious, yet critical, open, and research-based take on choreography. Students are offered a diverse learning environment, which supports artistic development, dialogue-oriented interaction and cooperation, and where practical and theoretical questions of contemporary choreography are integrated into artistic processes.

Master's Programme in Choreography | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | University of the Arts Helsinki | Finland

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