Drama Writing (Taught) | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 38 weeks | Bristol Old Vic Theatre School | United Kingdom

You will be taught by experienced practitioners within a conservatoire setting, working with top industry professionals and alongside students on other courses (acting, design, directing etc) and have your work explored in a practical setting. Over the course you will develop a critical approach to your creative practice and enhance your core writing competencies. It is expected that by the end of the course you will have developed a signature-script to be able to offer to producers, have a developed understanding of the demands of the different media (stage, screen, audio etc) and a sophisticated understanding of the industry. This is a full-time course, but contact hours will normally be concentrated into two days a week (Thursday and Friday), with four ‘intensive weeks’ spread through the year. The Writers’ Hub is a dedicated space for teaching & learning, individual writing and for the group to programme activities.

Drama Writing (Taught) | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 38 weeks | Bristol Old Vic Theatre School | United Kingdom

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