Archaeology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 8 years | University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) | United Kingdom
With world-renowned archaeological heritage sites such as Skara Brae, Maeshowe, the Camster Cairns and Mousa Broch, what better place could there be to study archaeology than in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland? Our BA (Hons) Archaeology is closely linked to the distinctive cultural heritage of our region, but also places all of that within a much broader global context. The degree will provide you with a detailed understanding of the practice of archaeology within Britain, Europe and the Atlantic region, as well as practical skills in archaeology through hands on experience. You will receive research-led teaching from lecturers engaged in world-class research on projects from the Scottish Islands, to Nepal or Easter Island. You will also have the opportunity to specialise in the archaeology of Scotland and of the Highlands and Islands in particular and there is scope to select specialist skills-based modules covering specific aspects of archaeological research and practice. Dig in deep to discover more….